Modular is a delivery mechanism, not an innovation constraint.

The experienced team from Tyrone Group and Precast, recognized for their excellence in construction, is now leveraging their proven skills in a well-established volumetric manufacturing initiative. Their innovative and practical approach continues to drive success in this ongoing venture.

Our building thoroughbred, and where feasible, with the integration of our precast concrete, we can offer a modular-hybrid system.

Our flexible delivery approach to modular, whilst being a manufacturing focus, has the construction practicalities applied to it, this is unmatched in Australia.

Tyrone Group’s construction capabilities support the success of One Modular, a division within our organization. We provide a comprehensive turnkey modular delivery service, managing all aspects for our customers, from Earthworks to Furniture and Fittings.

Whether your project is residential, bathrooms / bathroom-kitchenette pods, accommodation, mechanical or electrical services orientated, or simply completely different, please contact us.

We want to grow and be an important part of your ongoing project successes. It Can Be Done!

Permanent Homes * Bathroom Pods * Mining Stayover Accommodation * Medical Suites * MEP Plant Pods * Townhouses * Apartments * Custodial * Hospitals * Vets/Medical/Dental Practices

Programme Advantages

With a collaborative approach to prefabrication, project schedules have seen reductions of 50% compared to the traditional field-assembly approach by:
All our projects are drawn in 3D, enabling more efficient on-site assembly. Issues can be anticipated and managed earlier in preconstruction through our virtual design and construction (VDC) process. This enables more efficient planning and logistics, streamlining installation at the same time.

Modular manufacture provides our clients with faster pathway to completion when compared to the traditional project delivery method timeline. Our design teams can model to a high level of detail (LOD 400+) very early in the process, allowing us to manufacture well-coordinated spaces off site while site works commence. Due to the controlled environment, free of inclement weather challenges, prefabrication results in a faster timeline no matter what mother nature brings.

Cost Certainty

Modular manufacture provides better control costs by avoiding component price fluctuations between the proposal and delivery phases. Our digital component libraries, proven prefabricated products, and engineered-to-order (ETO) system costs can inform the design early on, providing predictability through the design and engineering process.

Improved Quality and Access to Qualified Expertise

Lean manufacturing processes injected into the construction process, along with our self-perform team of experienced and qualified installers, ensures not only ensure quality installation but can also provide savings and early clash-detection. Our teams evaluate how products will be assembled both in manufacturing settings and onsite to inform project designs. We leverage automation to streamline workflows and reduce waste. This allows us to continuously improve overall manufacturing processes via design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) techniques, which improve the overall quality of the prefab product’s lifecycle.
Our prefabrication process optimizes the architect’s design concept model, to fabricate to precise manufacturing tolerances.

Sustainability Benefits

Prefabrication is good for the environment. It cuts down on material and labour waste by leveraging material nesting, so there’s a significant reduction of waste removal from job sites.

Fewer people and vehicles on the job site reduce a project’s carbon footprint, and less waste means less dumpsters and less manual labour for clean-up, improving site logistics. As offsite manufactured components are unloaded, debris is loaded on the same truck for removal.

Our prefabrication approach is eco-friendly, with earlier planning leading to less waste, re-work and material usage. This helps control how waste is handled on site to maximize recycling and lower costs.

Reduced On-Site Labour Improves Safety and Drastically Reduces Existing-Community Disruption

Prefabrication is often more cost-effective and efficient because the availability of local labour can vary widely by geographic location. Manufacturing components off site also means less on-site activity and community congestion for projects in densely populated urban areas.

Manufacturing building components in a controlled environment allows us to implement processes, personnel flow and safety measures to ensure the health and safety of workers and subcontractors.

The challenges with community disruption when undertaking the likes of infill housing can be dramatically reduced, and our teams will if requested to do so by our client, provide an agreed extra community consultation exercise, prior to works commencing.